Montana Comprehensive Literacy State Development Project Grant

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    Funder Type

    State Government

    IT Classification

    B - Readily funds technology as part of an award


    Montana Office of Public Instruction


    This grant opportunity for Montana public schools is the result of the State of Montana's selection as a recipient of a five-year $50 million Striving Readers Comprehensive State Development Program literacy grant through the U.S. Department of Education. The Montana Comprehensive Literacy State Development Project (MCLSDP) awards this competitive subgrant to eligible districts to advance literacy skills using evidence-based practices, strategies, and interventions for all children, preschool to grade 12, with an emphasis on disadvantaged children.


    History of Funding

    None is available.

    Additional Information

    In the MCLSDP subgrant application, eligible districts must identify a feeder pattern for children and students PK-Grade 12. Large districts may only include up to two early childhood centers, two elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school. All levels must create a literacy line/feeder pattern (the flow of schools that the students take as they progress through their education). The patterns are determined by the location of the student's residence and that location within the school boundary.

    • Feeder Pattern Defined: Elementary Schools feed Middle School, which feed High Schools
    • Independent elementary districts will need to identify strong transitions and commitments with the eligible high school students feed into.
    • Information on forming consortiums for smaller districts will be addressed in the upcoming webinars.

    The grant outcome expectations are to increase the percentage of participating four-year-old children who achieve significant gains in oral language skills, as determined by the state assessment. To increase the percentage of participating fifth-grade, eighth-grade, and high school students who meet or exceed proficiency on the state reading/language arts assessments (Smarter Balanced, ACT). To increase the percentage of all participating disadvantaged student groups who meet or exceed proficiency on the state reading/language arts assessments by 5% annually as defined in Montana's state plan under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

    Through a district systems approach, 95% of grant funds will be awarded to subgrantees through a funding breakdown of 15% to support preschool programs, 40% to elementary, and 40% to middle and high schools. 5% of the funds will be used by the OPI for state-level activities as outlined in the grant application and determined through a needs assessment. Eligibility requirements will be released later this year and eligible districts will receive notification from the OPI with subgrant application requirements and timeline information.


    Terri Barclay

    Terri Barclay
    46 N Last Chance Gulch PO Box 200601
    Helena, MT 59620
    (406) 444-0753

  • Eligibility Details

    One or more Local Education Agencies (LEAs) serving a high percentage of high needs students as identified by 50% or more Free and Reduced Meal status or one or more LEAs with student populations in the top 15% in the state for Free and Reduced Meal status or that are among the LEAs in the State with the highest percentage of students reading or writing below grade level as indicated by below proficient on statewide assessments (5th and 8th grade Smarter Balanced) or below college and career ready on the ACT (high school) or one or more LEAs with student populations in the top 15% in the state reading or writing below grade level as indicated by below proficient on SBAC or below college and career ready on the ACT are eligible to apply.

    Deadline Details

    Applications were to be submitted by March 31, 2020. A similar deadline is anticipated annually.

    Award Details

    Award amounts vary. Awards typically range $250,000-$600,000 per application each year over a five-year period. Approximately $9.5 million is available per year through this program.

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts


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