Title V: Carl D. Perkins Innovation Supplemental Grants (Oklahoma)

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    Funder Type

    State Government

    IT Classification

    B - Readily funds technology as part of an award


    Oklahoma State Department of Education


    The Federal Legislation Assistance Division coordinates the activities of the Carl Perkins Act and civil rights legislation to enhance student learning. Each Perkins Reserve Fund Innovation Grant Application is unique.

    Overview of High Growth and Emerging Technologies Grant:

    The Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education supports the development and implementation of innovative high-tech, high-wage CareerTech Academies, State Programs and sequence of courses that align with local, state, and global industry and emerging workforce needs. The grant proposal should embrace rigorous academic and technical learning activities. (Up to $50,000.00 year 1, Up to $50,000.00 year 2)

    Overview of Supporting CTE Special Populations:

    Many times special population students do not receive the extra support needed for success in the classroom as well as a successful transition to a technology center, postsecondary education/training, and/or employment. This grant can be used to help support Oklahoma career and technology education students who belong to a special population to explore career options and for transition support into postsecondary education/training levels as well as employment.

    Special Populations are defined in the Perkins V legislation as those students who fit any of the following categories; Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals from Economically Disadvantaged Families, Individuals Preparing for Non-Traditional Fields, Single Parents, Including Single Pregnant Women, Out Of Workforce Individuals, English Learners, Homeless Individuals, Youth In or Aged Out of Foster Care System, and Youth with a Parent who is a member of the Armed Forces and on Active Duty.

    This grant can help schools implement transition programs and/or other support strategies to assist in the provision of transferable skill sets to students regarding the attainment of meaningful employment and becoming productive members of society. (Up to $50,000.00 year 1, Up to $50,000.00 year 2)

    Overview of Career Development and Programs of Study:

    Career development is an educational program designed to assure individuals know how to make career choices and create full Carl Perkins Programs of Study individual career plans to prepare themselves for those careers. The program ensures individuals make informed career decisions based on facts. Career development, based upon the tenet that individuals who have career maturity make better career choices and have a better sense of the education plans needed to reach their career goals, including entrepreneurship. Career maturity is when an individual has personal insight into the process of and readiness for making career choices. It is NOT the process of choosing a specific career or job. Career Development programs assist students in defining career pathways that prepare them for high-wage, high-skill, and in-demand occupations. (Up to $50,000.00 year 1, Up to $50,000.00 year 2)

    Overview of Innovative Strategies for Recruitment and Retention of Teachers in the CTE System:

    In an ongoing effort to support the recruitment and retention of CTE teachers, the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education supports the development of new innovative strategies and the enhancement of existing strategies to recruit and retain Oklahoma's CTE instructors. The strategies developed with these funds should support a culture of continuous improvement that engages the whole school community in continuously using data to identify problems and develop plans to solve them. A tool like strong school culture is important to the recruitment and retention CTE instructors in areas that meet local and state workforce needs while embracing innovative methods to support CTE instructors through rigorous professional development, continuing education, among other strategies. (Up to $20,000.00 year 1, Up to $15,000.00 year 2)

    Overview of Career Pathways, Workforce and Industry Partnerships Grant:

    In an ongoing effort to support Career Pathways, Workforce, and Industry Partnerships the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education supports the development of new innovative and the enhancement of existing Career Pathways in high-skill, in-demand, or high wage occupations. Career Pathways and corresponding Programs of Study should support local, state, and global industries in meeting workforce needs while embracing rigorous academic and technical education. (Up to $50,000.00 year 1, Up to $25,000.00 year 2)

    Overview of Innovation in Career Exploration Grant:

    Oklahoma Career and Technology Education (ODCTE) supports innovative school improvement efforts to develop middle school STEM exploratory programs that lead to increasing academic rigor and student achievement. STEM curriculum should provide project-based learning for the full range of students in grades seven and eight classrooms as well as career awareness and exploration activities for students in grades five, and six. (Up to $50,000.00 year 1, Up to $25,000.00 year 2)

    CTE New Program:

    Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education (ODCTE) supports the implementation of quality CTE programs. The purpose of this grant is to provide startup funding for new CTE programs. This would include any program approved within the past three years. Applicants can only receive one grant within the three year period. This grant will help overcome the cost barrier of implementing CTE programs by providing schools with funding to purchase necessary equipment and resources to increase enrollments and opportunities for students statewide. (Up to $25,000. One year grant)

    Improving Academic Proficiency:

    The Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education (ODCTE) is committed to improving the academic proficiency of CTE students. This grant is designed to increase academic outcomes in English Language Arts, Science, and/or Mathematics. Funds are provided so that schools can implement innovative strategies to improve academic performance. (Up to $25,000 for year one, Up to $25,000 for year two) 


    History of Funding

    None is available.

    Additional Information

    All Reserve Fund Grant Applications will be evaluated and awarded on a competitive basis. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated, using a rubric, by a team of state agency personnel. All reviewers' evaluations will be compiled for final scoring. If members of the evaluating team have questions or require verification regarding the application, they will notify the grant contact person to provide the requested supplemental information.


    Jordan Duck

    Jordan Duck

    Stillwater, OK
    +1 4057435401

    Josh Miller

    Josh Miller
    2500 North Lincoln Boulevard
    Oklahoma City, OK 73105

  • Eligibility Details

    Eligible applicants who successfully complete the Carl Perkins application under the current Perkins V Act are invited to participate in the Reserve Fund Grants process by:

    • Meeting the criteria designated in the Local Application for Carl Perkins Funding, including the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment.
    • Meeting the criteria in the Overview section for the desired Reserve Fund Grant,
    • Successfully completing the Reserve Fund Grant Application, and
    • Documenting the human, financial, and time commitment required to meet the intent of the focused grant.

    Perkins LEAs or consortia meeting the $15,000 requirement, technology centers, or technology center coops, and postsecondary institutions or consortia meeting the $50,000 requirement are eligible to complete the grant application. Successful completion of the Local Application for Perkins Funding, or completion of the Comprehensive local needs assessment are required.

    Deadline Details

    All applications are to be submitted by May 3, 2024. These grants are only available for approved CTE programs. School districts will be notified on the status of their grant application via approval or rejection letter on July 1st of the awarded year.

    All grants will be on a two-year award cycle to match the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment timeline. To be eligible for awards recipients will be required to complete and submit their Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment.

    Award Details

    All grants excluding Innovative Strategies to Recruit and Retain will have a starting year amount of up to $50,000. Second year funding will vary based on initiative.

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts

    • Funding Classroom Technology to Empower Students and Teachers - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Maximizing Technology-friendly Workforce Development Grants - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Funding Data-driven Workforce Development Projects - Sponsored by NetApp - Playback Available


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